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what do we look like? You? me?

Look around you. Look carefuly at the women in your life.    Can you identify which of the women around you are post abortive and which aren't?  Women who choose abortion are married, single, young and old.  Abortion crosses all racial, social and economic lines.  


Approximately 43% of women have an abortion by age 43.  This could be your neighbor, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, cousin or daughter.  Women often declare with ease, " I would never" or I could never" ...until they are confronted with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.  Then life can begin to unravel.    The secret begins and carries with it; shame, guilt, fear, unworthiness and regret. 


Some women experience the trauma immediately and are able to work through the process and move on.  Others may live in denial most of their lives only to have it come full force in their face again.  Emotions can run from guilt to grief, grief to regret, regret to anger, anger to defensiveness.








A Beautiful Love Story Forever ...

He became grace


I would encourage you as you sit in church to notice how many of us are there with you.  We hear your criticisms of the minor:  clothes, music, body piercings, tatoos, hair, etc. judgements made by appearance which is seen.  Do you know what is going on inside the heart of the wounded woman or man?


We ask ourselves.....would you love and accept me?  if you knew what I had done?  We look okay on the outside, but the inside is numb, empty and filled with a longing to be accepted and loved into healing.   Be careful what you say.  


Jesus came to bring life to the emptiest of places.   Hanging on the cross, He said to His Father in heaven, "Father, Forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."  He has this same heart for each of us.  We have no idea the full effect of our choices in our lives and the ripple effect it has.  But Jesus sees and His life was given so we could live.  He went to His Father on our behalf.  He loved us first so we could love and be loved.



As a little girl, do you remember what it was to dream about love and being loved ?

Do you remember playing childhood games of “Cinderella”,  “Sleeping Beauty” or  “Snow White”?

We lived for a Disney’s "happily-ever–after ” love story! 

As grown women we still hunger and dream of:

  • ›A man with valor, integrity and honor – who would ride in on his white horse  (or white camero) swoop us up in just the nick of time, rescuing us from a myriad of trials and terrors. 

  • ›A man who would throw down his coat over a puddle of water so you could cross with dry feet.

  • ›A man who rose to your defense when you were too weak to speak and would fight a battle over you.

  • ›A man who loves you so much he would willingly sacrifice and lay down his life in exchange for yours.


In our world, this “dream man” is a dream man.  For many of us, men have shattered our dreams and the relationships formed have turned into tragic nightmares.  All those “I would never…..” thoughts that formed in our minds have become reality and brought us to despair.  Our stories started out with innocence and we are now living in shame, guilt and despair with feelings of being dirty, unworthy, rejected and unloved.


THE GOOD NEWS….this is still the middle of the story where everything has the potential to turn around!

You can have a do over!  I would like to tell you there is hope and I would like to introduce you to your dream man. 

Here is what he has to say about you:


     "Don’t be afraid. I’ve rescued you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine. When you are in over your head, I’ll be there.  When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.  When you’re between a rock and hard place, it won’t be a dead end.   Because I am God, your personal God, the Holy of Israel, your Savior.  I paid a HUGE price for you.  That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you!  I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you."      { the message bible }


You have been known by name by the creator and He sacrificed his only child, a son, who died so you could have a “do over” in this life, receive a cleansing and renewal through forgiveness, and a living relationship with a very real God.  I would like to introduce you to the man of ALL dreams.


His name is …JESUS….the one who rescues and saves us from the muck and mire of our life. It all begins and ends in Him...a never ending love story!  


"Before I formed you in the womb

I knew you,

before you were born

I set you apart."    

Jeremiah 1:5












"You knit me together in

my mother's womb.

 I praise you because

I am fearfully

and wonderfully made."

Psalm 139:13-14


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